The deacons at Hughesville Baptist Church strive to fulfill the biblical model for deacons as ... more

Discipleship Classes
We are committed to providing opportunities for you to grow in your relationship with Jesus ... more

Food Benevolence
The Food Benevolence Program began in the mid 1980s and has been serving the community ever ... more

Celebrate the Joy! The Keenagers are a group of senior adults who meet socially to ... more

Men's Ministry
The men's ministry at Hughesville Baptist Church strives to partner with and support ... more

Our goal is to provide resources and services to promote Spiritual Growth, provide effective ... more

Hughesville Baptist Church believes in the power of intercessory prayer. Toward that end, we ... more

Hughesville Baptist Church provides opportunities for church members, their guests and ... more

Sunday School
Sunday School is a full program of biblical studies for all ages -- nursery through senior ... more

Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry's Mission Statement is: Our goal is to provide all women ... more
