Operation Christmas Child

I would like to thank everyone who has already donated items and/or funds throughout this year for our packing party.  I would also like to thank Julie Hugel, the VBS leaders and the amazing students for supporting OCC through a love offering during the week of VBS.  These boys and girls really put their hearts into reaching other children that may never receive a gift.  It was truly a blessing watching how excited the girls and boys were!
Games are the Item of the Month for September! This includes card games, small puzzles, marbles, jacks, pocket or mini games, small wooden peg games, yo-yo’s, jump ropes, harmonicas (or other small musical instruments, and Play-Doh. We are still collecting school supplies, coloring books, flip flops, combs, small toys, clothing, and fashion accessories. 
Shoeboxes are available in the foyer for you to take and fill with items a child would love.  After filling your shoebox gift(s), please return them during National Collection Week: November 18th-24th.  
If you would like to build a shoebox online you can use this link https://sampur.se/3yNDqF8  
For questions,
Contact HBC's Operation Christmas Child Project Leader
Cindy Preston at OCC@HughesvilleBaptist.com